Sunday, March 20, 2011

What could have been...

Ever since I came to art school and long before it, friends and family alike have told me that Hitler was a failed artist.  It would have been annoying after awhile if I wouldn't mind running a country or two.
So anyway.  I made Hitler the artist he could have been.
I added the beret, palette, paintbrush, gave me him a new hand to hold the paintbrush, 2.3 peace flags, and the dove.  The hand was the hardest part because the original hand had really dark shadows and it was hard to imitate them without making the hand look fake.  After awhile I just wanted to paint the hand myself.  Spent way too long looking for an easel but in the end I got to use the peace flags instead.  Softened the paintbrush and intensified the shadow under the palatte since class.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Composite Image!

I solemnly swear to always back up my work in the future five times over and to keep my thumb drive around my neck.  I nearly forgot, well I did but I went back within 5 minutes, my purse at the SAC at dinner tonight.  
BUT I did find it!  I went back yesterday and found it, well, asked for it and someone had turned it in.  That was really sweet.  I went back and quickly saved everything to my computer.  I would have uploaded it sooner to the blog but I wanted to add some tiny shadows in.

So that's my composite image!  I added the ax, two kids, all of the crows, the tire swing, and the tower in the background.  I guess it was kind of like six things, but I wanted more crows.  I think as far as difficulty, the crows were easiest because of how silhouetted they were they just fit with the tree, but I had to really tone the kids down especially the boy's blond hair because they were really shiny compared to the background and it looked unnatural.
I have the Brothers Grimm on my mind a lot...