Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Composite Image!

I solemnly swear to always back up my work in the future five times over and to keep my thumb drive around my neck.  I nearly forgot, well I did but I went back within 5 minutes, my purse at the SAC at dinner tonight.  
BUT I did find it!  I went back yesterday and found it, well, asked for it and someone had turned it in.  That was really sweet.  I went back and quickly saved everything to my computer.  I would have uploaded it sooner to the blog but I wanted to add some tiny shadows in.

So that's my composite image!  I added the ax, two kids, all of the crows, the tire swing, and the tower in the background.  I guess it was kind of like six things, but I wanted more crows.  I think as far as difficulty, the crows were easiest because of how silhouetted they were they just fit with the tree, but I had to really tone the kids down especially the boy's blond hair because they were really shiny compared to the background and it looked unnatural.
I have the Brothers Grimm on my mind a lot...

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